Course Description

This course was created in partnership with Monsanto. If you have any questions please contact Barry Rogers or Ashlee from Monsanto or Tim Hagen from Progress Coaching.

This course is the first part of a three-part approach. After you complete this course we will conduct two conference calls with you to ascertain your coaching challenges and help you design a program that make sense for you. Last we will start a 4 or 12 month coach the coach program speaking directly to your real-world challenges. If you are a manager or consultant we will support you in a monthly basis with an easy to use coach the coach process. First, you will receive a survey asking you to identify I specific coaching challenge unique to an individual and another specific coaching challenge unique to a team. After we receive your responses we will convert them to a PDF were we will provide a audio voice over speaking directly to your challenges with specific questions, activities, and learning projects. This real-world assistance is one-of-a-kind and will help you gain traction as a professional coach!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction To The Course

    • Welcome to Progress Coaching

    • 3 Coaching Stories to Inspire A Great Start!

  • 2

    What is Progress Coaching

    • Introduction

    • What Is Progress Coaching

  • 3

    Progress Coaching Imperatives

    • Progress Coaching Imperatives Overview

    • Progress Coaching Questions

  • 4

    Mastering the 1 on 1 Coaching Conversation

    • Introduction

    • The 1 on 1 Coaching Model

  • 5

    Mastering Group Coaching

    • Introduction

    • What is Group Coaching

  • 6

    Mastering Peer to Peer Coaching

    • Introduction

    • What is Peer to Peer Coaching

  • 7

    Checkpoint #1

    • Checkpoint # 1 (Required)

  • 8

    Supplemental Coaching Methods

    • Introduction

    • Supplemental Coaching Methods Overview

    • Supplemental Coaching Methods Review

  • 9

    Putting Your Coaching Plan Together

    • Introduction

    • Putting Your Plan Together

  • 10

    The Coaching Prescription Model

    • What is the Coaching Prescription Model

  • 11

    Tracking Your Coaching Progress and Challenges

    • Introduction

    • Tracking Your Coaching

    • Tracking Your Coaching Worksheets

  • 12

    Checkpoint # 2

    • Checkpoint # 2 (Required)

  • 13

    Situational Coaching

    • Introduction

    • Example of Situational Coaching: Attitude

  • 14

    Progress Coaching Summary

    • Getting Started

  • 15

    Checkpoint # 3

    • Checkpoint # 3 (Required)

  • Free

    Free7 Coaching Recipes for A Negative Attitude

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