Course Description

Progress Coaching has created an innovative approach to help managers, on an individual basis, become better leaders through the art of coaching. Progress Coaching has created an innovative approach, “The Progress Coaching Leadership Groups”.

This new approach will be a combination of group coaching, one on one coaching, team goal management, and employee development. Most group coaching initiatives simply have the members meeting and discussing; whereas, the Progress Coaching Leadership Groups will help measure and develop each manager’s team along with assisting the manager with becoming a better leadership coach.  Here is a high-level overview of the program:

1. Members will complete the Progress Coaching training course which is a 12 month program ($1695 value).

2. Members will get together bi-monthly in a group coaching session (groups of 8-12 members).

3. Members will attend a quarterly one on one coaching strategy session speaking only to their goals and challenges.

4. Each member’s team will be measured for their coach-ability and approach-ability, providing members with insight on how to approach and successfully coach their employees. This is run through assessment tool that provides scores in nine specific areas such as attitude, motivation, feedback, etc.

5. Each member’s team will complete a quarterly course specific to areas such as: seeking feedback, accepting coaching, providing coaching on a peer-to-peer basis, and realizing the value of coaching. These courses help prep the employees to receive coaching more readily rather than simply training the managers.

6. Each team member has unlimited access to our coach the coach services.

This program involves an integrated approach using group coaching and one on one coaching along with online learning and unlimited support to build managers into great leadership coaches.

Course curriculum

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