Course curriculum

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    Journal-Based Coaching

    • Introduction

    • Copy of Journal-Based Coaching Types

    • Copy of Journal-Based Coaching Applications

    • Copy of Journal-Based Coaching Learning Tiers

    • Copy of How to Use Learning Tiers to Design Journal-Based Coaching Solutions

    • Copy of How to Design a Journal-Based Coaching Plan

    • Copy of How to Design an Advanced Journal-Based Coaching Plan

    • Copy of How to To Combine Journal-Based Coaching with Other Coaching Strategies

    • Copy of Real World Examples of How Journal-Based Coaching Works

    • Copy of Why Use Journal-Based Coaching

    • Copy of Case Studies of Success

    • Copy of Keys to Success to When Designing and Implementing Journal-Based Coaching

    • Copy of 4 Creative Journal-Based Coaching Tools & Strategies (1)

    • Copy of 4 Creative Journal-Based Coaching Tools & Strategies (2)

    • Copy of 4 Creative Journal-Based Coaching Tools & Strategies (3)

    • Copy of What To Journal

    • Copy of Practice Activity to Design

    • Copy of Practice Activity to Design and Implement

    • Copy of 4 Creative Journal-Based Coaching Tools & Strategies (4)

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    Self-Directed Learning

    • Using Books

    • Using Articles

    • Using Podcasts

    • Using Video

    • Using The Power of Observation

    • Using A SDL Matrix

    • SDL Matrix Template (word Format)

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    The Power of Peer to Peer

    • How to Apply to Coaching

    • Peer to Peer Feedback ... Let's Be Careful

    • Using for Training & Development (Power of SME's)

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    Building Digital Lessons for Learning & Coaching

    • What is a Digital Lesson

    • Creating a Digital Lesson

    • How to Deliver a Digital Lesson

    • Where to Apply Digital Learning

    • Actual Examples of Digital Learning & Coaching

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    Putting it All Together

    • Simple Design Principle to Use: The Tiers of Learning

    • Building A SDL Matrix

    • SDL Matrix Sample Template

    • Let's Design