Course Description

Coaching Prescriptions provide you a step-by-step process to coach to a targeted area of development or performance. A Coaching Prescription will provide you a four step coaching process and framework for you to follow each and every session. In addition, each coaching session you will be provided with three elements that will make your coaching conversation a success:

  1. Learning project- a learning project is an assignment that takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete that the employee will conduct or complete outside of the actual coaching session on their own. The learning project will be germane specifically to the area that you are coaching to.
  2. Discussion-each coaching session should start off with a discussion in the way that discussion is started is through the learning project. During the discussion phase we will provide you with specific questions that you can ask specific to your coaching prescription purchased.
  3. Activity- after the discussion has been completed you will be provided activities that you can facilitate again germane to the coaching prescription you’ve purchased.

Each session of each prescription will literally provide you with the questions, activities, and learning projects you can utilize every single step of the way. The benefit to you is you will be a will to put your own spin in style and things but this prescription will allow you to have a targeted, successful, and continuous coaching interaction with your employee (s).

Most employees have not been taught how to receive feedback, and it puts them in very precarious positions. When most people hear the word feedback, they immediately resort to the thought of negative or constructive feedback. What I want you to think about during this prescription is how to use positive feedback to ultimately enable employees to open their minds to constructive feedback.

When we only hear constructive and negative feedback in the corporate workplace, we psychologically start to shut down and become numb to it. For example, when asking what an employee's typical impression is when a manager calls them into the office, 99.9% of the time people respond with, "uh-oh," "I must be in trouble" or "I must have done something wrong." This is because we have conditioned people in a very rhetorical and corrective action mode. We see things that we want to fix and correct more than we actually see the good things, but if we dedicated 50 to 70% of our time to the positive feedback, it will enable people to receive the constructive feedback more openly, genuinely, and honestly.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Coaching Prescription Introduction

    • Coaching Prescriptions: How to use

    • Your Actual Coaching Prescription

    • Summary

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